Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Today is Wednesday. Wish-List Wednesday. A day I can wish for whatever I want, even though I know that what I wish for probably doesn't exist. Mostly because, in my head the things that I want are really inexpensive. Then I go shopping. See the actual prices of my desired items and I am totally blown away by how expensive they are.

 I really want to start being more realistic about these things.

So, today I want to go to the thrift store. We need a new dining room table. I would love love love a hutch to go along with it. There's always craigslist too, so I won't forget about that.

I still want a new plum rug for our kitchen, but the search is still on. I found one at the World Market, but it was too big.

Oh, and I want the dogs next door on both sides to stop barking in the middle of the night...that would be wonderful.


  1. Stephanie-thanks for leaving such a lovely comment! I am glad you like my blog - sometimes I wonder if it is of interest to anyone! I see that you are from Virginia - lived there for 3 years and LOVED it. We have been back "home" in Canada for 18 months but still miss Virginia dreadfully. If you follow my blog you will read that I mention my love for that state time and time again!

    Nice meeting you.


  2. Garage (yard) sales? They've just really picked up here (I live in Minnesota, and well, in reality it's just now become warm enough for them) and I've found some nice stuff.

    We need a new table as well. Our family has outgrown the space at our table. Many times a couple of us will either squish in on the bench or sit at the island.

    You can do it! And I'm with you and agreeing at how expensive everything is.


  3. We need a new dining room table. I would love love love a hutch to go along with it. There's always craigslist too, so I won't forget about that.
