Tuesday, April 27, 2010

To Be Green

Tackle It Tuesday Meme

At MOPS today we learned about going green. I thought I was doing my part by recycling and buying "non-toxic" cleaners. I had no idea about the kinds chemicals found in the cleaning products and personal care products that I use everyday. I guess maybe because it isn't required to list all or any ingredients in cleaning products.

I'm all about getting rid of germs, especially with antibacterial soap. Well, guess what. Anything that wants to market itself as antibacterial must contain Triclosan. What's Triclosan? Oh, well it's just a chemical that has been linked to cancer in lab animals and is not recommended for use in the home by the American Medical Association. This link talks more about the harmful effects of triclosan.

Tackle it Tuesday: I am going to make some home-made cleaners and start getting rid of a lot of the toxic chemicals I have accumulated. I found some good recipes here.

I probably sound like a crazy, conspiracy theorist person that believes everything she reads...that's what my dad would say at least.


  1. Check out http://creatingahouseofgrace.blogspot.com/ she has lots of tips and even sells some great stuff. Thanks for checkin out my blog. I'm your newest follower =)

  2. Great tackle, Stephanie! It's funny because I just scanned through this post: Tips On "Going Green" with Young Kids - I thought I would pass it along to you if you were looking for other ideas!

    Little Life Improvements latest blog: How I Plan to End the Month with an Extra $300 in our Pockets

  3. What a great tackle! You are a very good writer! Thanks for stopping by my blog! Good luck on the going green! I have made a lot of changes, but I am not ready for the change in chemicals quite yet *blush*.

  4. It can be soo difficult to switch products and over whelming as well...but glad to here your giving it a go. I've been using green cleaning products for two years now, I love 'em! If you ever get a chance check out this site if you haven't already.

    Great Blog,


  5. What's Triclosan? Oh, well it's just a chemical that has been linked to cancer in lab animals and is not recommended for use in the home by the American Medical Association. This link talks more about the harmful effects of triclosan.
